Fair Maps Presentation to Covington Rotary

COVID-19 notwithstanding, the League's work educating voters continues. Cindy Heine spoke to about 28 members of the Covington Rotary via ZOOM on May 5 and shared information about the League and our 100th anniversary. The Covington Rotary is featuring groups like theirs, also celebrating 100 year anniversaries.  Cindy also shared two examples of the kind of work we do. For Voter Service, she shared information about changes to the June 23 Primary Election process. For our studies and issues work, she shared maps and information about our Fair Maps project. If you have groups looking for good programs during this Healthy at Home or Healthy at Work period, give us a call. 502-875-6481 or KentuckyLWV@gmail.com.


Lexington League Annual Meeting Update


Hopkinsville League Hears from State Leaders