Hopkinsville League Hears from State Leaders

Two presentations were made to members of the Hopkinsville League at their online May 11 meeting. Dee Pregliasco, LWVKY Vice-president and chair of the Redistricting Committee, shared information about statewide efforts to bring transparency and citizen engagement to the redistricting process. The legislature will be responsible for that work after the 2020 Census has been completed. Although work slowed because of COVID-19, the Redistricting Committee is making presentations via Zoom and are looking for more speaking opportunities. Please contact kentuckylvw@gmail.com to schedule a presentation for your league or interested group! In addition to the Fair Maps presentation, Cindy Heine, member of the state board and a special committee appointed to determine how the League could support safe, accessible voting through the pandemic, shared details about changes made for the June 23 Primary Election. 


Fair Maps Presentation to Covington Rotary


Governor Beshear, Secretary Adams Issue Statements on June Election Procedures