Update on HB 70 – The Former Felons Voting Rights Bill

The League of Women Voters of Kentucky is again supporting Representative Crenshaw’s bill, HB 70, which would allow the voters of Kentucky to decide if former felons, who have paid their debt to society, should automatically have their voting rights restored. On January 24, Teena Halbig, a former president of the League, testified in support of the bill. She suggested that one of the ways we reintegrate former felons into the community, is to allow them the most basic right of citizenship, that of the right to vote.

To enhance voting, the League makes these recommendations:

• A ballot measure to consider amending the KY Constitution so that people living in the community and who have completed their sentence have their voting rights restored automatically. Allow the public vote on this issue.

• Inform prisoners about the process to apply and offer technical help with accessing records.

• Three months prior to completion of sentence, provide assistance (by volunteers from organizations or by current employees)

• Provide public education from by the Secretary of State’s office, the Department of Corrections, or Office of the Courts about registering to vote after rights are restored.

On January 24 the bill was voted favorably out of Committee with bipartisan support. The bill is expected to come up for a full vote of the House very soon.

Take Action!

Call the Legislative Message Line (1-800-372-7181) as soon as possible and leave a message for your legislator. The line is open from 7 am to 11 pm on weekdays and until 6 pm on Fridays. The operator will ask for your name and address.

Message: “Please vote yes on House Bill 70.”

Thank you for supporting this bill.


Winter 2012 Kentucky E-Voter


Fall 2011 Kentucky Voter