Fall 2011 Kentucky Voter

September 2011

LWV of Kentucky, 1009 Twilight Trail, Suite 103, Frankfort, KY 40601




Candidate School Is IN!

Lexington League and Berea & Madison County League are cosponsoring a “Candidate School Workshop,” Saturday, November 12 from 9:30 a.m.– 3:00 p.m. in Richmond at Glenn Marshall Elementary School’s library. Speakers/presenters will discuss their experiences campaigning and offer advice as potential candidates begin the road to representing their community as an elected official. The workshop is open to Leaguers and the public, so sign up now and find out what campaigning is all about!  We encourage you to share this with anyone interested in running for public office. Cost: $10.00 to cover the cost of lunch.

For More Information Contact Local Presidents:     

Cecile Schubert (Cecile@roadrunner.com)

Tammy Fagley (tammy.fagley@gmail.com)

Another Candidate School Scheduled  October 8—Hopkinsville

Contact Carolyn Self for information: bcself@newwavecomm.net

State Convention Report

 The following officers and board members were elected at the spring convention.·         President:                      Vacant·        

1st Vice-president:      Cindy Heine·        

2nd Vice-chair:             Tammy Fagley·        

3rd Vice-chair:            Cecile Schubert·        

Secretary:                      Nikole George·        

Treasurer:                    Steve Senft

You’ll notice the office of president is vacant. The nominating committee was not able to identify anyone willing to serve as president. However, the three vice-presidents have agreed to share the responsibilities of president. Let Cindy, Tammy or Cecile know if you have questions or issues for the state board.  A full board list with contact information can be found on page 4 of this issue.

The Kentucky LWV Board would like to updates on local League activities and is asking each local board to send their Voter/newsletter to the state vice-presidents who will forward it to the state board. We are also assuming local presidents will serve as the liaison to the state League unless we are notified otherwise. Please send your newsletter to: Tammy Fagley, Cindy Heine and Cecile Schubert.

State Studies: LWVKY has undertaken two studies this year. Local presidents will receive study materials and consensus questions from study committee chairs. The state board would like to thank the Louisville and Hopkinsville Leagues for taking the initiative on these studies.

Juvenile Drug Court Study

Civic Education in KY Schools

State Legislative Liaison:

Terry Naydan was appointed to be our state legislative liaison. Terry will let you know about issues on which we need to contact legislators.

The board is asking each local league to appoint a legislative liaison that will be Terry’s contact. She can be reached at:  terrynaydan@aol.com.

HELP WANTED: Voter Editor

 The LWVKY Board is looking for an editor for the state’s quarterly newsletter.  This is a wonderful opportunity to learn what's going on at the state LWV and to serve the League from the comfort of your own home!!

Please contact Tammy Fagley, Cindy Heine or Cecile Schubert if you have questions or might be willing to serve as Voter Editor.

Gubernatorial Candidate Debate

Tuesday, October 11, 7:00-8:00 p.m. ET

Co-sponsors: Kentucky Broadcasters Association and the LWV of Kentucky

Performing Center for the Arts, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond

This event will be broadcast widely on radio and television. It is not open to the public but the League will have tickets for our members. If you are interested in attending contact: Terry Naydan (terrynaydan@aol.com) or Nita Smith (nitavotes@aol.com).

LWVKY Holiday: Fund Raising Party

December 3, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. ET

The LWVKY and Lexington LWV will co-host this holiday event and silent auction with all proceeds going to LWVKY.  Al Smith, journalist and former host of KET’s “Comment onKentucky,”  will speak about “Journalism Today.”  His memoir, WORDSMITH: My Life in Journalism, to be published in November, will be available for purchase and signing.

Suggested Donation: $25/person or $40/couple      

Location: Lexington, TBA

Grant Funds Available: Spring 2012 Youth Voter Registration

The LWVEF announced a new grant opportunity to support Leagues as they engage young voters in 2012. State and local Leagues are encouraged to contact Maggie Duncan (mduncan@lwv.org).

Membership Recruitment Initiative (MRI)

In response to the national League’s 30-year decline in membership, LWVUS has created a Membership Recruitment Initiative (MRI). Our state coaches, Nikole Wolfe and Carolyn Self, have information and can provide support for your League. They are willing to visit local Leagues to share ideas about the kinds of things each member can do to recruit new members.

TIPS for Recruitment:

Carry LWV brochures in your purse and share them when you come across potential members.

Wear your LWV pin at public meetings.

Target specific groups as co-sponsors for activities, groups whose members may have an interest in League activities.

Think of someone YOU can invite to a meeting or other League function!

National Studies

LWVUS Education Study

The Education Study scope is broad and includes the following areas under the role of the federal government in public education (preK through grade 12): the history, funding and equity issues which are addressed under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and the common core standards/assessments which are required for many federal grant programs but are national, not federal. The culminating position will address only those issues delineated in the scope.

LWVUS Privatization Study

The purpose of this study is to identify those parameters and policy issues to be considered in connection with proposals to transfer federal, state or local government services, assets and/or functions to the private sector. It will review the stated goals and the community impact of such transfers, and identify strategies to ensure transparency, accountability, and preservation of the common good.


August-October 2011    Information provided to local and state Leagues

November 2011-May 2012    Leagues are encouraged to participate in the study on privatization of Government services, assets and functions, and the impact on local communities by scheduling meetings to educate members and communities about the issue and come to consensus.

Recommended Reading: Available at www.lwv.org

Government Privatization: History, Examples, and Issues

Paul Starr, “The Meaning of Privatization,”  Yale Law and Policy Review 6 (1988)

Privatization: A Seattle League Study

Contact Committee Chair Janis McMillen at jkmcmillen@kc.rr.com with questions.

Calendar of Events

September 25, 3 p.m.     

Afternoon of Music-Fund Raising Event for LWV  Louisville

Host: Melvin Dickinson, conductor of the Louisville Bach Society; featuring Anne Richardson, cellist and Margaret Dickinson, organist

Louisville Bach House, 4607 Hanford Lane

Suggested donation: $50

For more information: Beverly Moore

October 8, 10:00 a.m.-noon          

LWVKY Board Meeting

State offices,Frankfort

October 11, 7:00 p.m. ET            

Gubernatorial Candidate Debate (Check local listings for radio and television coverage.)

December 3, 3:00-5:00 p.m.        

LWVKY Board meeting,


December 3, 5:00-7:00 p.m.        

Holiday Fund Raising Party, Lexington; Location to be announced

February 11, 10:00 a.m.-noon     

LWVKY Board meeting,

State offices,Frankfort

April 28                                             

LWVKY Board meeting and Council, time and location to be announced

2011-2012 Board of LWVKY

President                    Vacant

1st VP                           Cindy Heine             Cindy.Heine@InsightBB.com

2nd VP                         Tammy Fagley          taf1969@netscape.com

3rd VP                          Cecile Schubert       cecilel@roadrunner.com

Secretary                    Nicole George          ngeorge828@yahoo.com

Treasurer                   Steve Senft                s.senft@InsightBB.com

Elec. Director            Richard Heine          rcheine@InsightBB.com

Elec. Director            Beverly Moore           BeverlyDM@aol.com

Membership              Carolyn Self              bcself@newwavecomm.net

Leg. Liaison               Terry Naydan             terrynaydan@aol.com


LWV of Kentucky

1009 Twilight Trail, Suite 103

Frankfort,KY 40601




Special thanks to Judy Johnson, LWV member in Lexington, for formatting this Voter. The League of Women Voters of Kentucky is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.


Update on HB 70 – The Former Felons Voting Rights Bill


2011 General Assembly Regular Session Wrap-up