Winter 2012 Kentucky E-Voter

Please click here to view the entire newsletter.

Please join us for LWV Lobby Day in Frankfort on Wednesday, February 15, 2012.

9:30 a.m. Meet in Capitol Annex Cafeteria (basement)

11:30 a.m. Lunch with Rep. Ruth Ann Palumbo (Rm 370B)

Call your legislators (1-502-564-8100) as soon as possible to make appointments between 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. or after 12:30 to talk with them about the bills the League is supporting including:

HB 167 - Energy Bill

SB 230 - Clean Elections

HB70 - Felon's Voting Rights

Please Register and give us your lunch preference no later than Feb 10 by e-mailing or calling Nita Smith at or 859-272-5827.

Box lunches (sandwich, fruit, chips, cookie & drink) are available for $7.95 (cash only please).


Sandwiches: Chicken salad, Tuna salad, Pimento cheese, Turkey, Ham, BLT wrap, Fried chicken wrap, Grilled chicken wrap or Veggie wrap.

Drinks: Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Mellow Yellow, water.

Grab your LWV pin and join us!


Bills LWVKY is Supporting


Update on HB 70 – The Former Felons Voting Rights Bill