2011 General Assembly Regular Session Wrap-up

Below is a condensed version of the session wrap-up provided by the Kentucky Resources Council. LWVKY is a member of KRC and supports their positions.

Bills that KRC supported that will become law:

SB 7 - Improves government fiscal transparency by making legislative, judicial, and executive branch expenditure records, and certain records of higher educational institutions available on the web.

SB 70 - Updates the soil contamination screening levels used to determine remediation options for contaminated properties to reflect the more current EPA Region 3 Screening Level Table.

HB 26 - Provides the framework for two or more wastewater utilities in the counties of Bullitt, Hardin, Jefferson, Meade and Oldham counties may elect to create a regional wastewater commission.

HB 259 - Will create process for siting up to 5 demonstration projects for geologic sequestration of cardon dioxide in the Commonwealth.

HB 385 - Requires the changes in mining bond calculation methodology be incorporated into regulation.

Bills that KRC opposed that passed:

SB 50 - Allows a private transmission pipeline company to condemn private lands to construct a pipeline for transmission of carbon dioxide for private use.

Bills that fell by the wayside (* indicate KRC opposed):

*SB 34 - Would have eliminated the current prohibition on construction of new nuclear power plants in the Commonwealth.

*SB 151 - a proposal to replace appointed Public Service Commissioners with elected Commissioners.

*HCR 128 - Called on Congress to block funding to Office of Surface Mining until scientific evidence justifying the stream protection rule is provided.

*SJR 99 - Would have declared Kentucky a sanctuary state from EPA's regulation of water permits for mines.

*SR 116 - A resolution that would have called on Congress to prohibit EPA from adopting regulations on greenhouse gases and to impose a moratorium on any new EPA air regulations and to require EPA to conduct a cost-benefit analysis on planned regulations.

HJR 90 - Would have directed the Ky Dept. of Fish and Wildlife to update the contract with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers which would end the in lieu fee programs.

Other Bills of Interest that passed:

HB 1 - Will place on the 2012 ballot a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to hunt, fish and harvest wildlife.

HB 119 - Allows for optional adoption by cities of training programs for city officials, including incentives for those being trained.

HB 166 - Mandates that state parks promote the sale of Kentucky Proud agricultural products.

HB 242 - Creates an advisory committee on radon and a certification program for entities engaged in radon measurement, mitigation and laboratory analysis.

HB 250 - Will amend and update law regarding licensure of home inspectors and provide authority for Board of Home Inspectors to take disciplinary action against licensees.

HB 330 - Will amend KRS 278.021 to define circumstances that constitute abandonment of a public utility and create court-supervised receivership process for returning control of the utility or liquidating its assets.

HB 362 - Will amend state law regarding ginseng and require licensing of ginseng dealers.

HB 433 - Will amend waste tire statutes to create a five-member Waste Tire Working Group, would create receipt programs for tires contracted for out of state processing or disposal.

HJR 5 - will direct a study be contracted of the effectiveness of economic development incentive programs.

HCR 13 - Concurrent resolution will establish a legislative task force on childhood obesity.


Fall 2011 Kentucky Voter


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