VRAA Virtual Town Hall, June 2, 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. EDT via Zoom

You can view this Town Hall on YouTube by clicking here.

The public is invited to a June 2 Virtual Town Hall sponsored by the League of Women Voters, 7-8:30 pm, EDT. There is no charge. One can participate by clicking the following link at the time of the event: https://bit.ly/3dePBuD

A panel of distinguished guests will discuss the Voting Rights Advancement Act (VRAA), explaining the history of the legislation, what the Act says, and why the League is calling for its passage by the U.S. Senate. Panelists include Josh Douglas, professor, University of Kentucky Rosenberg College of Law; Trey Grayson, attorney with FrostBrownTodd LLC, and former Kentucky Secretary of State; and the Rev, L. Clark Williams, Chairman of The People's Campaign. LWVKY President, Fran Wagner, will moderate. The panel will be followed by Q&A.

Please join us. As we approach the June 23 Primary and the November 3 General Election, information on protecting our voting rights is of great importance.

This event is made possible by a grant to LWVKY by the League of Women Voters-USA.

Instagram Voting Rights Advancement Act Online Forum (1).png

June Update on the LWVKY and the Voting Rights Advancement Act


Lexington League Annual Meeting Update