April President's Message

The Kentucky League of Women Voters, while facing the challenges of social distancing, has been active this month via Action Alerts, Zoom meetings, and news releases.  The focus of much of our action has been combating voter suppression in all its ugly forms.  

The League, born out of the struggle for women to gain the right to vote, believes that voting is a fundamental right.  Efforts to create unnecessary barriers to voting should, therefore, be challenged, especially when they disproportionately fall on the poor, elderly, or people of color.

As you read this Voter, I hope you’ll be proud of the extraordinary League members who are working on behalf of ex-felons, those without photo ID’s, and those confused and discouraged from voting because the registration and election process is unnecessarily cumbersome. 

We are also working to make sure that our primary and general elections will be accessible to all during this pandemic by expanded absentee voting and extended opportunities for in-person voting.  It is unconscionable that people should have to choose between voting or exposing themselves to the virus.

All my best wishes for good health (mental and physical) during these challenging times!



Your Civic "To Do" List


"We Vote" High School Voter Registration Campaign