Action Alert: Call today about the Photo ID Bill for Voters


Call today about the PHOTO ID bill for voters. 

Senate Bill 2 - requiring a Photo ID for Voters, may be heard in House Committee on Elections, Constitutional Amendments and Intergovernmental Affairs Thursday, Februoary 6, at 10:00 a.m. 

SB 2 is on a fast track and has strong support from Senate and House leadership. The League strongly opposes photo IDs for voters (see more details below) but with passage likely, we are working to amend it to make it less harmful.

Please call TODAY! 

Leave a message for all members of the Elections, Constitutional Amendments and Intergovernmental Affairs Committee. 

Vote NO on SB 2.
Support amendments that would:
1. move implementation to 2021.
2. reinsert the 'personal acquaintance' language in the bill.

Committee Members:

The League opposes photo IDs for voters:
1. No one has been able to identify cases of voter identity fraud in Kentucky. 
2. A photo ID bill risks disenfranchising eligible voters, and especially the poor, the elderly, racial and ethnic minorities, the young and the differently abled. 
3. Funding will be required to implement this law, dollars that should be spent on election security and improving access to voting, not putting up additional barriers.
4. SB 2 is to be implemented by the fall 2020 election. That is not enough time to notify all voters and give them time to obtain a photo ID, adopt regulations, and train poll workers. 
5. SB 2 removes the 'personal acquaintance' option for identifying voters. Under the current bill, if you are a poll worker and your neighbor or a relative comes in to vote but does not have the required identification, they must complete additonal paperwork to cast a ballot.

To send a message your state senator or representative: 

Call 1-800-372-7181 and leave a mesage with the legislature message line staff
1-502-564-8100, ask for his or her office and leave a message with their assistant.

Or send an e-mail:
Go to  
Who is my Legislator?
Click on their name/s and email them from their home page. 


League of Woman Voters of Kentucky Participates in Nationwide Day of Action for Organization’s 100th Birthday


100th Anniversary of the League of Women Voters and 19th Amendment to be celebrated, Thursday, February 13, 1 p.m., Capitol Rotunda