With 2020 elections fast approaching, KY must reform its voting process

December 8, 2019

Fran Wagner, President, LWV KY, Opinion Contributor

Published in The Courier Journal, Dec. 8, 2019, Posted 6:31 a.m. ET Dec. 6, 2019 | Updated 6:31 a.m. ET Dec. 6, 2019

Kentucky’s recent closely contested gubernatorial election has raised questions about our electoral process. Since voting is fundamental to democracy — as is citizens’ confidence in the election results — it’s important to take a hard look at our current system.

The League of Women Voters of Kentucky is proud of voters for turning out in record numbers in this fall’s election. Just over 42% of Kentuckians voted, a substantial increase from the 30.7% in 2015. Despite unsubstantiated allegations of voting fraud, our hardworking and professional election officials made sure all eligible votes were counted and secure.

Voting fraud isn’t a problem in Kentucky. Rather, lack of participation in elections is a major concern. While a voter turnout of 42% was better than 30.7%, a majority of Kentuckians didn’t participate in the 2019 hotly contested gubernatorial election.  Increasing eligible voter participation and confidence in the election results are critical to strengthening our system. Democracy only works when citizens are active and informed participants in the democratic process.

To this end, the League of Women Voters supports six pillars of reform in Kentucky, all of which can be accomplished while ensuring that elections are secure. They are:

  • Prevent barriers to citizens voting by providing longer hours, early voting opportunities and convenient countywide voting locations

    1. Adopt automatic voter registration

    2. Explore structural changes such as vote-by-mail, open primaries, and rank choice voting

    3. Provide automatic re-enfranchisement of ex-felons once they’ve served their sentences

    4. Enact redistricting reform with a process that is fair and transparent so voters elect their representatives rather than politicians choosing their voters through gerrymandering

    5. Amend the Kentucky constitution to allow a recount in close gubernatorial elections.

Nationally, the League of Women Voters is also asking federal officials to pass the Voting Rights Advancement Act (HR 4) as well as the For the People Act (HR 1) that has, among other things, funding to strengthen states’ ability to secure their voting systems against hacking.

With 2020 elections fast approaching for president and a Kentucky senator, as well as other offices, it’s important that we quickly move to strengthen our election process.  The League of Women Voters of Kentucky looks forward to working with our newly elected governor and secretary of state, as well as state legislators, election officials and our fellow Kentuckians to build confidence in our elections and increase voter participation.

The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan political organization that encourages active and informed participation in the political process.


League of Women Voters of Kentucky awarded grant to promote fair redistricting


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