Support House Bill 326 – The Fair Maps Act

Call your legislators: 1-800-372-7181 and urge support for HB 326, Kentucky’s Fair Maps Act!

HB 326 creates a Redistricting Advisory Commission to draw Kentucky’s new legislative maps.  Read the bill here.

Why should they support HB 326?

  • We don’t want our state gerrymandered

  • We don’t want expensive court battles over redistricting

  • Hear our voices! Public input & concerns must be gathered before Kentucky sets new legislative districts.

  • Let us choose our legislators.

After you call and email your legislators, then:

  1. Sign up for email action alerts from the Kentucky Fair Maps Coalition at

  2. Follow our tweets – @fairmaps & our Facebook posts –

Related links:

Fair Maps Act Bill Request

Fair Maps Act Questions And Answers

More on Our Redistricting Work


League of Women Voters of Kentucky Applauds the Filing of the Kentucky Fair Maps Act


January 2020 Kentucky Voter