Primary Election Update

Primary Election now scheduled Tuesday, June 23

UPDATE: On April 24, the Governor announced additional changes to election procedures, which can be read in a media release here.


Because of health concerns related to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Kentucky's primary election has been changed from May 19 to Tuesday, June 23. The final day to register to vote in the primary is now 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 26.

In the final hours of the legislative session,  HB 351was amended and passed making it easier for the Governor and Secretary of State to jointly change the time and/or manner of an election in an emergency. We know the governor is very concerned about protecting the health of voters and poll workers and the Secretary of State has been talking about changes he is willing to make as discussed in a recent interview on WFPL

Discussions are currently underway to determine exactly how the election will be conducted. We do anticipate there will be lots more absentee balloting or early voting.  

The Kentucky LWV Board appointed a Pandemic Task Force to consider these issues and determine what the League can do to encourage and facilitate safe, secure and fair elections. Members are reading information from various sources on ways to secure the election while protecting voters and workers from the virus. They are also contacting state officials and local county clerks for a sense of what is possible. Watch the next VOTER for their findings and how it will impact what local Leagues can do to help.


The Fight Against Voter Suppression: Voting Rights Advancement Act


LWVKY President's Testimony in Opposition to SB 62