Spring 2017 Kentucky Voter

Your Spring 2017 Kentucky Voter and Call to Convention can be found here. New leaders in Frankfort and Washington are filing many bills that are of concern to the League. Review the latest list of bills that we support or oppose, read the Voter for Convention details and view pictures and an overview of League Day in Frankfort.

The KY League's biennial Convention will be hosted by LWV of Louisville March 31-April 1. Read more about it in the Voter and download the agenda and registration form here. You will want to join us to hear featured speakers, Deborah Yetter, investigative reporter at The Courier Journal, discuss "Fake News" and Jason Bailey, Kentucky Center for Economic Policy, share information about "Tax Reform."  

Register Today!

Spring 2017 Kentucky Voter

LWV KY March 3 Legislative Update

2017 LWV KY Convention Agenda and Registration Form 


League of Women Voter's 2017 Convention to be Held in Louisville, March 31-April 1


Support Efforts to Restore Ex-Felon Voting Rights