Kentucky League of Women Voters Update February 2016

League Day at the Legislature - Thursday, February 18

(note change in date from March 31)

Here is our planned schedule for that day:

9:00 to 9:30 am- register with Nita and Terry in the Capitol annex cafeteria

9:30 to 10:00 am- we present an overview of bills we are supporting or opposing

10:00 to 12 noon- League members visit with their own legislators or observe a Committee meeting

12:10 to 1:10 - lunch together in the cafeteria - a few legislators may join us to discuss their bills

2 PM - League members observe a session of either the House or the Senate

This is always a very enlightening day and we hope many of you will join us.

Best regards,

Terry and Nita

2016 Legislative Issues:

The new 2016 legislative session has started and the following is a list of the bills that Nita and I are either supporting, opposing, or watching in behalf of the League of Women Voters.

Some of these are new bills, others are carry overs from the previous session.

Weekly Update on Bills the League is Supporting or Opposing-January 29, 2016

HB 278 (G. Stumbo)- Minimum wage increase proposal – hourly wage would be raised $10.10 over the next two and a half year-passed in committee-will move to House floor next week (support)

HB 229 (S.Overly) - Human Trafficking- this bill is aimed at improving investigation and prosecution of human trafficking by including Attorney General having jurisdiction over these crimes-passed in committee-will move to House floor next week (support)

HB 59 (T.Burch et al) -Victim Protection – Would make it easier for those at risk of violence to shield their home addresses from those who could harm them. Bill approved by House. 94 to 0. Sent to Senate Veteran, Military Affairs, and Public Protection Committee (support)

HB 70 (D.Owens) – constitutional amendment allowing restoration of voting rights for felons who have paid their debt to society. Introduced in House. Passed in Elections, Constitutional Amendments and Governmental Affairs Committee and passed in House. Sent to Senate. (support)

SB 4 (J.Adams et al) – required face to face meeting with a doctor before an abortion can be performed –passed Senate- Sent to House where a compromise committee substitute replaced the original bill –now the meeting with a doctor can occur through real-time visual telehealth services (Internet). Bill was returned to Senate where it was posted for passage for concurrence with House Committee substitute on Feb 1st. The League opposed this bill.

HB 147 (G.Stumbo) – Would raise campaign contributions limits and amend contribution reporting laws. We are particularly concerned with section six which allows a state party building fund with no dollar limits on the amount that could be contributed. Assigned to Elections, Constitutional Amendments and Intergovernmental Affairs. Passed out of committee. Received in the House. (oppose)

HB 152 (J.Wayne) – Called the “streamsaver bill” would amend surface coal mining laws to require on-bench disposal of excess spoil where feasible and to require valley fills to be constructed above rather than in waters of the Commonwealth. Assigned to House Natural Resources and Environment Committee. Posted in committee (support)

HB 103 (G.Watkis) – Allows construction of a nuclear power facility on or within 50 miles of a site previously used for the manufacture of nuclear products. Assigned to House Tourism Development and Energy Committee. (Oppose)

HB 40 (D.Owens et al) – This bill will allow the courts to seal the felony records of up to 94,000 Kentuckians. This proposal would allow many Class D felonies and those who never formally accused or convicted of a Class D felony to have their records expunged, removing the records from public view. Amendment added. Amend to allow discretionary expungement of a second subsequent felony after a first felony. Passed the House 80 to 11 vote. Received in Senate. (Support)

SB 45 (C.McDaniel) – Requires the disclosure, upon request, of the retirement benefit information of current and former members of the General Assembly, including their name, status, and projected or actual retirement benefit payments. Passed 38 to 0. Received in House. To State Government Committee. (Support)

Terry Naydan and Nita Smith

Legislative Liaisons for the Ky League of Women Voters

Two Local Leagues Partner with Grammy Award-winning Artist Patty Griffin and the "USE YOUR VOICE" Campaign - February 19 and February 20

Hopkinsville and Lexington Leagues are partnering with Patty Griffin in the USE YOUR VOICE campaign, an effort to bring attention to the importance voting. Hopkinsville members will be at the Feb. 19 concert in Paducah to offer voter register to concert goers and provide information about voting. Lexington members will participate in the Feb. 20 concert in Lexington. This is another good way to promote the important work of the League of Women Voters. Contact Bonnie Lynch (Hopkinsville 270-881-2574) or Tammy Fagley (Lexington - for more details about the events in your area.

Prevent Domestic Violence Rally - March 31

Please check with Meryl Ward to find out more about the Prevent Domestic Violence rally on March 31. This is a very worthwhile and very inspiring rally. League members may wish to come to Frankfort to join her on that day. Her email address

2016 State Council - April 8-9 - Mark your Calendars

This year's State Council meeting will be held in beautiful Hopkinsville in Western Kentucky. Mark your calendars now and watch for details and registration information the Winter Voter. Overnight reservations can be made now by calling the Hampton Inn, 270-886-8800. Let them know you are with the League. Plan now to bring items for our silent auction to raise funds for the state League.

League of Women Voters of Kentucky, Lang House, 115 S. Ewing Ave, Louisville, KY 40206



February 5, 2016


Kentucky Republican Presidential Caucus
