March 2015 Kentucky Voter

In the March 2015 Ky Voter (click here) you'll find a report on League Day at the Capitol along with a legislative update and links to reading materials about redistricting and money in politics. You'll also find our April 10-11 State Convention agenda and materials. You won't want to miss several informative workshops and our speaker, a young League leader from Cincinnati, Melissa Currence, talking about 'Building the League of Tomorrow."

2015 KY LWV Convention Registration Form

Links to items in the Voter

Thank President Obama for vetoing the pipeline legislation and urge him to reject final approval of the Keystone XL pipeline once and for all!

California's Redistricting Experience:

How does Money Corrupt Our Government?”

Money in Politics article on MAPLIGHT


State Convention to Hear from Senator Whitney Westerfield


February 2015 Kentucky Voter