Spring 2011 Kentucky Voter

League of Women Voters of Kentucky April 2011 e-Voter

 Presidents’ Message

This is the last e-Voter Nita and I will be sending as the co-presidents of the League of Women Voters of Kentucky.  Our term was finished at Convention on April 9th.  We thank everyone who helped make this last year a success for the League.  Our local Leagues facilitated many forums for candidates running for office.  You answered many “Calls to Action” from both National and the State League.  Many of you joined Nita and I in Frankfort to lobby our representatives for our positions on specific legislation.  You also joined us in Frankfort on Women’s Suffrage Day, which commemorated the 90th anniversary of finally obtaining the vote.

A highlight of our term was the fundraiser we had at Terry’s house which featured Joel Pett, the Pulitzer Prize winning political cartoonist.  He showed us the method he uses to draw our current politicians and also a little bit of his own political philosophy.  We raised enough money at the fundraiser to pay for two months rent for our Frankfort office, thanks to your generosity.

We decided to try a one-day Convention this year.  Most of the 38 delegates we asked said they preferred this new format.  At Convention we decided to conduct two studies, one on funding the juvenile drug court and the other on civics education in Kentucky schools – two topics of great interest to most of us.

We also voted for officers for the next term.  Happily, our three vice presidents, Cindy Heine, Tammy Fagley, and Cecile Schubert, our secretary, Nicole George and our treasurer, Steve Senft, all agreed to take another term.  The only position left open is that of President.  The three vice presidents will fulfill the president’s duties until a new president is recommended by the Nominating Committee.

We wish to thank Cecile Schubert and her committee from the Berea/Madison County League for hosting our Convention.  The Boone Tavern was a wonderful setting for conducting the business of the League.  The luncheon was delicious and our guest speaker, Representative Jim Wayne of Louisville, gave us an informative overview of what happened at this last legislative session.

Thanks to the entire KY Board and all of the members of the League for all of the support you have given us during these last two years.  We also wish to thank our intern from the University of Kentucky, Brittany Moore, for the fine study she conducted on the ninety year history of the League of Women Voters of Kentucky. It was a job well done!

We are also pleased that we leave the presidency with the knowledge that we have a brand new local League emerging in Pendleton County.  We wish them the best of luck!

Best regards,

Nita Smith & Terry Naydan

Co-Presidents, LWV of KY


Pendleton County League of Women Voters Registers First Time Voters


Winter 2011 Kentucky Voter