Report from the National Convention of the League of Women Voters

At convention, we formally adopted two studies:

  • A study of the federal role in public education. The study will focus on the role of federal government in education policymaking, with possible consideration of funding, common standards and/or governance relationships among all levels of government.

  • A study on privatization: The policy agenda to transfer government functions, services, and assets to the private sector.

The convention adopted by concurrence the following positions:

  • An updated arms control position.

  • We added this statement to the position on the selection of the president: "We support the use of the National Popular Vote Compact as one acceptable way to achieve the goal of the direct popular vote for election of the president until the abolition of the Electoral College is accomplished."

  • "The LWVUS supports legislation to equalize the legal rights, obligations, and benefits available to same-gender couples to marry under civil law. The League believes that the civil status of marriage is already clearly distinguished from the religious institution of marriage and that religious rights will be preserved."

To read our entire report from the National Convention, held in Atlanta in June, please access our Summer 2010 e-Voter under the tab entitled "NEWSLETTERS."


Winter 2011 Kentucky Voter


Update on House Bill 70 - The Former Felons' Voting Rights Bill