Kentucky House of Representatives Honors the League of Women Voters with Resolution Celebrating Its 90th Anniversary

Representative Ruth Ann Palumbo introduced a Resolution in the House, which celebrates the 90th anniversary of the League of Women Voters in Kentucky.  It was read on March 10 in the House chamber.  Nita Smith and Terry Naydan, Co-Presidents of the League of Women Voters of Kentucky, were in attendance when the Resolution was read by the clerk of the House.  The resolution read:

A RESOLUTION congratulating the League of Women Voters on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of founding, and adjourning the House of Representatives in its honor:

WHEREAS,  the League of Women Voters was founded in 1920, mere months before the Nineteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution was ratified, and women across the nation gained the right of suffrage; andWHEREAS,  the League of Women Voters is a grassroots organization. with affiliated Leagues in all 50 states, including the Commonwealth, as well as the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Hong Kong; and

WHEREAS, for 90 years, the League of Women Voters has supported a framework of government that is representative. accountable. and responsive to its citizens; and

WHEREAS, the League of Women Voters has adhered to a strict policy of nonpartisan action while simultaneously working to influence government policy at all levels through advocacy, and;

WHEREAS, the League of Women Voters has steadfastly maintained equality of all people, international cooperation, and responsible stewardship of our natural environment as some of its highest principles;  and

WHEREAS, over the course of nine decades, the League of Women Voters has played a vital civic education role in our nation because of its firm belief that a democracy can thrive only when its citizens are fully informed and participate enthusiastically in the political process; and

WHEREAS, in all these ways, the League of Women Voters has made the United States and this Commonwealth a better place to live for all of its citizens;


Be it resolved by the House of  Representatives of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

Section 1.  The members of the house of Representatives, both individually and collectively, thank the  League of Women Voters for its 90 years of service  to democratic ideals of civic participation and education, and congratulate the organization on its longevity.

Section 2.  When the House of Representatives adjourns this day, it does so in honor of the League of Women Voters.

Section 3.  The clerk of the House of Representatives is directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the Kentucky League of Women Voters, Suburban Park, Building D, Suite 103, 1009 Twilight Trail, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601.


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