Health Care

The LWV believes that every U.S. resident should have access to affordable quality health care, including birth control and privacy to make reproductive choices. Other policy goals include the equitable distribution of services, efficient and economical delivery of care, advancement of medical research and technology, and a reasonable total national expenditure level for health care. LWVKY likewise maintains that there should be reasonable, equitable access for all residents of Kentucky to adequate, appropriate health care (With one Voice, section V, p. 11).

The LWVKY health care committee attempts to follow our current system, to alert the public about unmet needs and the impact of policy changes. At our 2013 State Conference, the board passed a resolution recommending that we monitor the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, insisting on transparency, oversight of contracts and accountability. Most recently, we joined other groups of concerned citizens expressing opposition to a proposed redesign of Kentucky’s expanded Medicaid program. 

View the Health Committee Report on Medicaid Redesign