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VOCAL-KY: Kentucky Organizing Revival

VOCAL-KY has a 120 county focus even while based in Louisville, Kentucky. Our members, leaders, staff and supporters realize that we need more community organizing in all of our rural, urban and suburban neighborhoods from the hood to the hollers. Kentuckians are struggling with low wages, inadequate housing, climate change disasters, voter restoration, homelessness, equal educational opportunities, health disparities, and a failed drug war. 

We must organize to build people power that leads to better policies that help all Kentuckians survive and thrive no matter what zip code they live in. Please join our local and national partners, including People's Action for logistics and planning. We want groups doing work in Kentucky to sign up to table and to help us meet our goal of 200 organizers, base building organizations, and future organizers to Winchester, Kentucky June 7-9, 2024. 

NOTE that times listed (9 AM-5 PM) are placeholders until actual times are announced.